CloudVision Fax

Get secure fax that’s paperless, machineless, effortless. Shared team inbox. Email to fax. Programmable fax APIs.

What is Cloudvision Fax?

CloudVision fax is an online fax service for individuals and businesses. It lets you send and receive fax without a landline or fax machine. No need to search for fax centers nearby. You can fax directly from your mobile device or computer.

To get started, all you need is to select an account or register by email. To receive faxes, you will also need to set up a fax number. Once your account is all set, you can start sending and receiving fax using any device, across all platforms.


  • Email to Fax
  • One-Time Fax
  • Broadcast Fax
  • Mobile Fax
  • Contacts
  • Scan and Fax Unlimited Documents


  • Get Fax Numbers
  • Port a Fax Number
  • Team Inbox
  • Company Fax Page


  • Fax OCR
  • Annotate & eSign
  • Note
  • Fax Automation


  • Microsoft 365
  • Google Workspace
  • HubSpot
  • Google Drive
  • Gmail
  • Dropbox
  • OneDrive
  • Zapier


  • Programmable Fax API
  • API Documentation
  • EHR Fax Integration

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Feature List Two

Feature List Three

Fully Compatible

Our SIP Trunking service is compatible with all phone systems. Even if your system is not SIP enabled.

Extremely Reliable

Cloud Vision’s SIP Trunking solutions are provided on a fully redundant, all IP telephony network.

Quick & Easy Setup

In most cases your SIP Trunks can be provisioned and setup on your existing phones system within a few short hours.

Disaster Proof

In the event your phone system becomes un- available, your calls will automatically failover to any destination.

Use any Phone System You Want

Cloud Vision’s SIP Trunks can work with any SIP enabled PBX. They also work with traditional analog phone or key systems using a telephone adapter or IAD (Integrated Access Device). No matter what system you currently have or plan on purchasing, Cloud Vision’s SIP Trunks can help you save money and increase productivity.

Start Saving with Cloud Vision

5 Benefits of Cloud Vision SIP Trunking

CloudVision Fax is the most secure way to transmit documents online or through a mobile app. As privacy and security are of paramount importance, CloudVision Fax uses military-grade 258-bit AES encryption for every fax sent and received. CloudVision Fax is in full compliance of HIPAA and GLBA regulations.

When creating fax, ensure that fonts are clear and dark and that the background is white. If you are photographing a document, make sure to properly focus the camera so that the text is crisp. Taking a photo in a bright room will help to achieve optimal clarity. Only fax text documents, not photos or pictures.

You can also select “Fine” in the fax settings for the highest quality fax we can deliver image wise.

Please follow these steps for sending a fax:

  1. Enter the recipient fax number
  2. Fill any details on the cover page
  3. Attach or scan a document
  4. Send

Note: You will need credits or an outbound subscription to send faxes.

You’ll need to get a fax number and share your fax number with your contacts to receive a fax. You will get a fax push and email notification for each new fax. You can view faxes anytime from CloudVision Fax

Please follow the below steps:

iOS: Settings -> Log in/ Register.

macOS: Click on the CloudVision Fax icon at the top-left corner of the task-bar -> Preferences -> Account -> Login/Register

Android: Menu -> Login/SignUp

Windows: Settings -> CloudVision Fax ID -> SignIn/SignUp

Web App: CloudVision Fax Web -> Click on the profile icon -> Enter email address to Login/SignUp

Please note that if you are not logged in while making the purchase, your purchase is linked to the device used. You will then just need to Log in/Register to your account on the same device to assign your purchase to your account.

You will need to change the notification settings to receive your faxes as an attachment with your email.

Please make sure that you are logged in to the application. You can change notification settings by following steps:

iOS: Open Application -> Settings -> Notification settings -> Here you will get the option to change notifications.

macOS: Open Application -> Click on the CloudVision Fax logo at the top left corner -> Preferences -> General -> Notification -> Reset the notification to receive the additional options.

Android: Open application -> Open Menu -> Notifications -> Select the toggle button for Attach Fax to Email as ON to receive your faxes as an email attachment.

Windows: Open Application -> Settings -> Notification -> Here you will get the option to change notifications.

Just click on the fax and tap on the edit button. You will be able to edit and resend the fax.

You will be able to see a delivered stamp below your fax once the fax is delivered successfully. You will also receive a push notification and an optional email upon successful delivery.

Some Numbers

Satisfied Clients
Projects Completed
Accolades Earned
1 K+
Lines of Code

Communicate with anyone, anywhere, anytime. On any device.