5 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Business Communications
Over the last few years, we witnessed a rapid advancement in communications technologies. Three things influenced these changes. Firstly, VoIP phone systems matured. Secondly, new strategies developed in the software virtualization industry. And thirdly, Unified Communications came into play. However, many businesses continue to try to use the traditional business phone systems. It may be the time for your company to make a change. Look at these five signs it’s time to upgrade your business communication system.
Upgrade Business Communications if You Have Outgrown Your Current System
Has your business grown since you bought your current communication system? Did you expand to new areas? What about new employee hiring? Does your current system need more features? When you purchased your older system, some of these factors did not exist.
Older technologies are not capable of doing some of the things businesses need today. Newer technologies provide more flexibility. Don’t limit your capabilities with an old system. Your system does not fit like it used to. It is like an old pair of pants that shrunk when laundered.
You Are Wasting Your IT Talent on Upkeep
Your IT team spends most of its time maintaining your business communications system and ensuring that everything is working. If this seems like a waste of talent, that’s because it is!
Over time, the IT department in many enterprises has become an integral part of the business. With today’s newer communication platforms, you can hire less experienced employees to manage daily operations. This allows your more talented engineers to move beyond simple upkeep and actually customize your business communication tools to help your other employees
become more efficient and productive.
You Have a Complicated Puzzle of Vendors
You use multiple vendors for different aspects of your business, yet they all have to work with each other. This is common for companies who have department-specific or location-specific requirements for business communication.
Older PBX systems often lack the tools needed to create reliable connections between different software platforms like the available flexible API. To work around this, you might have to pay for a specialized engineer to develop custom integrations. Then you will need to maintain these integrations for as long as you have the old PBX.
Spending too much to Maintain Your PBX System
You are wasting money on what it takes to keep your current systems up and running. As your older systems become obsolete with the advancement in new technologies, you face the challenge of maintaining functionality.
Older telecommunications products contain proprietary hardware and software that can be cost-prohibitive to maintain. Often, vendors that provided you with these solutions can only offer expensive overhaul solutions.
Too Much Time Spent on New Employee Training
Training for older PBX systems is often complicated and frustrating. Businesses waste a lot of time with training. Instead, use the time for actually getting things done. Newer business communication platforms have a better interface than older pieces of less intuitive legacy technology.
Your business runs on the efficiency of your VoIP Phone Systems. Without a system that keeps up with demand, how can your business scale with ease? How are you meeting customer satisfaction standards if your business communications services don’t have the features you need? And what could you skilled employees be focusing on if they didn’t have to upkeep an old phone system?
Chances are you have already been feeling like it’s time to upgrade your business phone. So, when you’re ready, we’re here to help you perform that upgrade.